2008年11月28日 星期五

The meaning of reading novel

Since I was a student,I was told by some teachers majoring in different field that
you had better focus on subjects taught in School rather than informal books like novel, assay or fashion books. Based on these ideas, I kept myself away from these kind of books and believed if someone read these books they should not be good students.

Now I firmly believe every kind of book has its own merit even the content is negative. I am trying to read different sort of materials like magazine,newspaper and novel. I pick up some useful information from them.

My opinion about novel is that a novel is like a life. Life has many sides such as
religion,cultural,belief... I know myself much better through reading them and widen
my horizon.

If you ask me what kind of books I like. I will tell you. I have no idea because
maybe one minutes later I fall in love with knowledge about car,food or computer. But
one thing I am definitely sure that no matter how old I am , books are always my lover.

2008年11月5日 星期三

If you had to describe yourself as a colour, which would you choose?

How could you imagine that there is only one color existing in the world. It should
have been dull and no one like it happened. Thank God there are several beautiful colors in reality like red orange blue...etc. Each of them stands unique meaning for
example blue implies sadness, red stands full of energy and white goes with purity.

What color I love the best is red due to its meaning. Red like blood cycling around
every moving stuff like people animal.... It is impossilbe for human being and animal
live without blood. Red emit brightness and shine to every direction catching people's eye just as I love to performance in front of audience to get applaud. That's why I choose this as my favorite.

2008年11月4日 星期二

What is the worst thing parents can do to their children?

The meaning of Parents in Chinese is that Father is like sky and mother like earth. They play significant role in every child's life. Everybody spend a great deal
of time getting closely with his parents from childhood to adult.

Being a baby,I cried for my hunger,then my parents woke up and took care of me although they were tired. When I was a student, my parents spent a great amount of money in my daily life including my tuition without any complaint. Until now, they
are still worried about my marriage. I believe they are my best gift in my life.

On the other side, I dislike this kind of parents who demand their children to
do everything without discussion. Being questioned, they always anwser under the
mask of I am doing everything for your own good. They do not understand their children's feeling and not willing to listen what their children think. They decide
every matter as if their children were always baby needing their care. This is what
I think the worst thing parents can do to their children.

Hello Adam. this is my last-week assignment. Thanks for your correction.

2008年10月30日 星期四

My experience of learning English in student time

Back to ten years being eighteen years old in senior high school, I learned English
through many tests. The tests included only two parts(writing and reading). So I
spent much time on it. I got high grades,but spoke poorly. It was pitty that
learning English should have been interesting rather than full of testing time.

Graduated fromm university, I have been learning it through my unique method by
seeing English news in CNN and BBC website. Now reading English newspaper is almost like Chinese newspaper. My viewpoint to English is that it is a tool of communication
and key of opening knowledge door. That's it. No more English test.

2008年10月28日 星期二

This is Chien Fong

Hi everyone:
I am learning of how to set up my own blog, but that seems more difficult than
I thought before.

Back to main point, I am quite happy joining this English class in which we learn
together. I hope we will enjoy the time in the next few classes.